Monday, November 12, 2007

November 2007

Hi all
Flights are booked and paid for...we leave Invercargill on Saturday 19 April, 2008 and fly to Perth where we will have 10 days with our good friends (Richard, Suzen, Katie & James) in Bunbury before flying to London, arriving 30 April!

The question now is what do we take with us, what do we ship to England, what do we leave in Cromwell and what do we get rid of....

There are only 4 1/2 weeks of school for this term and so the countdown to Christmas and the summer holidays is just about on. Rebecca is training hard for her swimming with a big meet this coming weekend when she hopes to qualify for further swims at the South Island Town & Country meet in March. Unfortunately she also has some orthodontal work coming up which she is not looking forward to at all!
Joshua has his 10th birthday coming up and so he is looking forward to having some friends over - we are heading to Invercargill for tea and then a game of Lazertag.