For the past two years we have had a 20ft shipping container stored at Mum & Dad's with a variety of furniture, kitchen items, books, DVDs, toys, gardening equipment and many other bits and pieces. Monday 11 January was the day it moved from Dipton to Springston - how exciting!
Rebecca was looking forward to getting a bed, books and CDs.
Josh was looking forward to getting his lego and army men.
Lionel was looking forward to unpacking his books (no surprises there!)
Amanda was looking forward to having a full selection of kitchen equipment.
After two days we have the container unpacked and we now have MANY boxes in the garage that we won't unpack at our rental house, we will wait and see where we end up. It is amazing how different houses fit such different stuff and this house is way smaller than our house in Dipton!
Rebecca has her room set up really well and is pleased to have a bed and book case, she also has a world map on her wall (yes, many more travels to come!)
Josh now has his bunks set up and has spent many hours filling his book case and playing with his army men.
Lionel has managed to fill the remaining book cases in the house, and I was even banned from putting my recipe books on one shelf, so they remain on the bench in the kitchen.
I have discovered that I have too much kitchen stuff for the cupboard space in this kitchen - but actually how much of it do I need...
It is great to have our own stuff around us, but in the end it is just stuff and even though I was ruthless in what I got rid of before we left we still have far too much!